Tending the Adolescent Soul: Offering Hope in an Age of Despair with Mark Yaconelli

Event time: 
Saturday, March 25, 2023 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Sterling Divinity Quadrangle (SDQ ), Yale Divinity School See map
409 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Calendar Speaker/Performer: 
Mark Yaconelli
Event description: 

The pandemic, climate change disasters, racism, political vitriol, misogyny, the erosion of rights and mass death is taking an overwhelming toll on American families, churches, and communities. Recent studies reveal an unprecedented rate of adolescent depression, anxiety, and loneliness leading to high rates of suicide and substance abuse. How do we minister among young people (and families) who no longer experience God’s peace in the world? How can we develop counter-cultural ministries that offer young people the rest and resiliency of Jesus? In a retreat-like atmosphere, author, youth worker, and community activist Mark Yaconelli will invite participants to recover the pure medicines of Christian formation: silence, story, and service.
Contact:Megan Lukens, megan.lukens@yale.edu

Must register at: https://tinyurl.com/4nhubthc.

Cultivating Conversation Event: