All Ages

Coloquio | Abordar el pasado: Memoria y Revolución en los medios y el cine cubano del siglo XXI

Durante las últimas décadas, la producción audiovisual cubana ha configurado un
territorio crucial para el debate político y social; genera obsesivamente narrativas que
pretenden reordenar la historia cubana, aborda y discute nociones como la memoria,
la historia y el pasado como ejes fundamentales para renegociar el presente. El
coloquio Abordar el pasado: Memoria y Revolución en los medios y el cine cubano del siglo
XX busca propiciar la discusión y el debate sobre el cine cubano contemporáneo, la

VIRTUAL: Respecting All Connecticut Families: The Legal Parent-Child Relationship for Unmarried, Same-Sex, and Nonbiological Parents

Who is a parent in Connecticut? The Connecticut Parentage Act, which came into effect in January 2022, is the most significant update to Connecticut’s parentage laws in decades. It ensures that all children in the state have equal access to the security of a legal parent-child relationship regardless of the circumstances of their birth or the marital status, gender, or sexual orientation of their parents. Learn more about parents in Connecticut from Professor Douglas NeJaime, the CPA’s primary drafter.

Language Matters: Defining the History of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II

Join the Reparative Archival Description Working Group (RAD) at Yale University Library for Language Matters: Defining the History of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II, a virtual symposium focused on the language used to describe the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Euphemisms such as “internment,” “relocation,” and “evacuation,” were utilized by the U.S. government and prevail in many sources that recount this history, including archival description.

Fernando Pessoa Unmasked? Biographer Richard Zenith in Conversation with Inês Forjaz de Lacerda

Celebrated translator and biographer Richard Zenith has spent much of the past three decades translating and writing about the great Portuguese modernist poet Fernando Pessoa.

At Yale, Zenith will talk about what - through all these years - led to some of his recent revisions to his translations and reflect on translation more generally.

Kyrie: A Musical Vigil for Peace to Benefit Ukraine

Wondering how you can assist refugees from Ukraine? Attend this special hour of music by candlelight as we pray for an end to violence in Ukraine. This benefit concert will feature Mezzo-Soprano Karolina Wojteczko’20 Mus.M. and will include sacred music selections from across the centuries for voice, organ, violin and cello. All proceeds will go to the immediate needs of Ukrainian refugees. This concert is open to the public.

Yale Library Book Talk: Daphne Brooks, "Liner Notes for the Revolution: The Intellectual Life of Black Feminist Sound"

Professor Daphne Brooks will discuss her new book “Liner Notes for the Revolution: The Intellectual Life of Black Feminist Sound” (Harvard UP, 2021) which explores more than a century of music archives to examine the critics, collectors, and listeners who have determined perceptions of Black women on stage and in the recording studio. Online, free and open to all with pre-registration. Online, free, and open to all with registration.

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