April: Celebrate Pride

Celebrate Pride

Honor Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) communities through Pride celebrations. Yale celebrates Pride starting in April (to include our student community) and continuing through June. If your department organizes a related event, please tag it in the Yale Calendar as a DEIB event.

Engagement Opportunities




GLSEN’s National Student Council put together a list of books that are focused on diverse stories and LGBTQ+ characters. While the booklist showcases many LGBTQ+ authors, not all of them may be part of the community, but instead show solidarity by highlighting LGBTQ+ stories and characters. These lists are geared towards K-12 but can be enjoyed by anyone. Please be mindful that some of these books may address heavy topics. View their Elementary School, Middle School, and High School book recommendations.

Yale University Press and Yale University Library
Refer to the Pride 2021 reading list, featuring a collection of titles about gay icons and artists, legal debates and triumphs, cultural and literary criticism, works by LGBTQ+ authors, and more. Additionally, the Press offers a list of Gay and Lesbian Studies books, Gender Studies books, and more. The library’s collection also includes additional resources on this topic.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies at Yale promote innovative, interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching on the historical and contemporary experience of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people. It also fosters critical analysis of queer and normative sexualities, the formation of sexual and gender minorities, and the role of sexuality in culture and politics in the world.

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program at Yale offers a variety of courses and an undergraduate major (BA). The Program establishes gender and sexuality as fundamental categories of social and cultural analysis. The program also offers a Combined PhD and Certificate for Graduate students.

LinkedIn Learning
Explore free courses on LinkedIn Learning, including courses on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Films and TV Series

LGBTQ Streaming 
Check out these great films and tv series available on Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu. Also check out Revry, a global streaming network focused on queer content and creators.

Yale Film Archive Collection of LGBT Films, DVDs, and Videos
The Yale University Film Archive maintains an extensive collection of films, videos, and DVDs for use in teaching and research. 

Yale University Library: LGBTQ Film, Television, and Theater Collection
The LGBTQ Film, Television, and Theater Collection primarily consists of screenplays, scripts, and photographs from productions that include characters, storylines, or cultural references to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, communities, or events.

Yale in Hollywood LGBTQ in Film/TV Panel (2020)
Watch a recorded panel discussion hosted in 2020 featuring Quentin Lee, Jennie Livingston, Brad Bailey, and Michael Rohrbaugh. 


Visit the Yale Events Calendar, as well as the Office of LGBTQ Resources and  Yale’s LGBTQ Affinity Group for additional DEI and Belonging events and resources.


Share your pride and promote Pride Month in multiple ways:

Organizations and Centers of Engagement

Chaplain’s Office
The Yale University Chaplain’s Office is proud to celebrate and support the lives and stories of LGBTQIA people. Chaplains are available to support students, faculty and staff as they are exploring their identities, especially as they are exploring their lives at the intersections of all things queer and religious/spiritual. W{holy} Queer is a monthly program that Chaplain Jenny Peek hosts for students to connect and discuss queer/religious themes. To learn more contact Chaplain Jenny at jennifer.peek@yale.edu or email any of our chaplains directly.

New Haven Pride Center
The purpose of New Haven Pride Center, formerly the New Haven Gay and Lesbian Community Center, is to provide educational, cultural, and social enrichment for the LGBTQ+ community, its allies, and members, to make a positive contribution to the entire community of Greater New Haven.

Office of Diversity and Inclusion
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) collaborates with departments and individuals across the Yale campus to promote a respectful, accessible, and inclusive community for all Yale employees.

Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility
The Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA) is responsible for ensuring Yale’s commitment to equitable and inclusive working and learning environments. This includes administering Yale’s Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment.

Office of Gender and Campus Culture
The Office of Gender and Campus Culture works to foster positive dynamics within the Yale College community. Drawing upon research on gender disparities in academic and other institutional settings, as well as on effective strategies for creating change, the OGCC collaborates with students, administrators, faculty, and staff from within and beyond the College on a wide range of initiatives.

Yale LGBTQ Affinity Group
The Yale LGBTQ Affinity Group was created in 2008 to foster a more welcoming and respectful campus community for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer individuals, and their allies with a primary focus on retention and edification of Yale employees. The group is open to all Yale staff, faculty, and postdocs, representing a diverse range of departments and interests at Yale.

Yale GALA, Yale University’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Alumni Association
Yale GALA is an educational and cultural organization that seeks to promote the well-being and betterment of the Yale University gay and lesbian community, including alumni, faculty, staff, students, and the public at large.

Yale Office of LGBTQ Resources
The Office of LGBTQ Resources supports and empowers students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions to strengthen and unite our Yale community. It provides resources and support for community, education, and advocacy. The office is a cultural hub that works with local and national organizations to address issues of policy, praxis, and politics and aims to increase visibility, connectedness, and knowledge of queer culture.  

Learn about events hosted by the Office of LGBTQ Resources and affiliated organizations on their events calendar.

Social Media Channels

Additional Resources

Belonging at Yale - University-Wide Support Resources
Every member of our community should have the opportunity to feel safe, supported, and seen. Yale has multiple resources for students, faculty, and staff who need guidance, assistance, or information; or who want to discuss or report an incident of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. Examples of these resources include: Office of Institutional Equity and Access, Resources to Discuss Discrimination and Harassment Concerns, and more.

Coming Out Guides
Coming Out is the process in which an individual a) accepts and identifies with their gender identity and/or sexual orientation and b) shares their identity willingly with others. Review helpful information developed by Yale’s Office of LGBTQ Resources on navigating the coming out process.

Initiative on Race, Gender, and Globalization
The Initiative on Race Gender and Globalization (IRGG) at Yale University was established at the beginning of the 2004-2005 academic year with the support of the Office of the Provost. The IRGG seeks to internationalize the undergraduate and graduate curricula through scholarly events, conferences, and courses that foster intellectual exchange across geographic borders, academic fields, and political perspectives.

LGBTQ+ Personal Wellness Resources
Faculty and Staff have access to Pride 365+, which offers information, resources, and toolkit materials to create equitable, affirming, and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ members and their families. To access these resources and to connect with supportive LGBTQ+ peers and allies through active discussion boards and live chat groups, visit liveandworkwell.com, enter as a guest with your company access code (YaleSB), and select the Sanvello app in the popular tools tab.

Queer-owned Restaurants, Nightlife, and Businesses in New Haven

Resources on Gender and Identity Pronouns
Pronouns are linguistic tools that we use to refer to people. In our efforts to respect the diverse identities of our communities, it is important to use the pronoun that people prefer when referring to them.

Send a Message of Love to Transgender and Gender Diverse Young People
With the continued and the increasing onslaught of policies and bills that discriminate against and harm our transgender and gender diverse youth, The Center for LGBTQ+ Research & Advocacy invites all of us to send a message of love. They are collecting any words you choose to share to speak to the value and humanity of and love for our youth.

Trans Resources at Yale
Access resources for transgender, gender nonconforming, genderqueer and gender questioning students, staff, faculty, and postdoctoral fellows at Yale.

Yale Research Initiative on the History of Sexualities
The Yale Research Initiative on the History of Sexualities is dedicated to fostering research and theoretical reflection on the history of sexualities, especially as they intersect with other axes of social difference and inequality. It promotes inquiry into lesbian, gay, and transgender history, and the role of sexuality in the history of the self, culture, nation, and empire. Based in the Department of History, the Initiative sponsors lectures, workshops, symposia, and collaborative research.